What Christmas means to Ben of Spirohealth
This may sound a bit cliché, but Christmas has always been an extra special time of the year for me. Not only did it bring my family together after months of not seeing each other but it always brought us closer too.
Coming from a family that split up at a young age and being spread across the world, Christmas was always very exciting as it meant I was with my siblings again, it was summer holidays and most days were spent doing various outdoor activities on and around the farm. We often had big family reunions and made up for so much lost time with loved ones. There’s not a lot in this world that beats a quality family catch-up – the laughs, telling of old stories and making new memories make it all that much better.
This year we will be doing much of the same! We will be meeting my mum in Thailand, for a warm, sunny Christmas by the beautiful beaches! (Not ready for a cold Christmas yet!). Again, it will be family coming together and reconnecting. It’s a time I value and I always appreciate the fact that I am able to catch up with all of my family still. Even if you aren’t catching up with family this Christmas make sure they know you are thinking of them as I’m sure it will mean the world to them.
I hope Christmas has a special sentiment to each and everyone of you and I hope it brings you just as much joy! Here’s to ending 2019 off with a bang and may you all have an amazing festive season. Bring on 2020!!