Vicky’s December update
So – we’re still not in the house!
As all ways, what on the face of it seemed like a quick fix-up has developed into a more major job than we originally thought, partly due to Andy & I giving the builders a few (!!!!) extra jobs & partly because these things always take longer than you think. Coming into Christmas It could be quite a stressful situation, living out of suitcases & going backwards & forwards all the time – but I’m really putting what I have learned during my life coaching sessions with Natalie into effect & really seeing a positive impact.
Firstly, gratitude: to our parents for helping us out so much – you may no longer all be with us but I know you’re watching, I think you’d approve of what we’re doing ️ Our friends have been wonderful in putting us up for all this time,with young twin boys to look after this can’t have been easy for them & my love & thanks goes to them every day.
Our builders have been fantastic – working all hours to get the job done & with such good humour – we might even miss them when they’re done 🤣 To all of our friends – huge thanks for having us round to dinner & letting us sit on their sofas – you’ve no idea how good it is to simply sit down & watch a bit of tv until you can’t do it!
There have obviously been hiccups with the build along the way & it hasn’t been easy but being able to look at things from a different angle really helps. Even things going wrong are a means to an end & however frustrating the delays are we’re learning so much about ourselves & how we interact with others during the process.
With most of our ‘stuff’ – clothes & furniture included – in storage, it has made me think, especially at this time of year with all the Black Friday sales & Christmas looming, do we really need all of it? Yes, it’s lovely to have all your favourite things around you, but have I really missed them? Turns out not really, and it’s been the simplest of home comforts that we have genuinely missed – making a meal together, sitting down & eating at a table, cuddling the dogs on the sofa …..
Hopefully we’ll be in soon, meanwhile thanks & love to everyone for your help & good wishes …… watch this space for the house warming date 🤣