Sit, Sleep, Standing Educational Seminars to help YOU get better faster and stay better for longer with us at Spirohealth.

We educate you on:

  • Sitting: what chairs are best and how to modify for best results

  • Shoes: what shoes are best to keep your body healthy

  • Beds and pillows: bed shopping can be difficult- we help you make the right decision and give you a simple formula for the right height pillow for you

  • Answer any questions you have on posture, health and wellbeing.

They are monthly and focus on Advanced Biostructural Correction or ABC

They usually fall on a Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm, 1 per month for approx. 60 minutes

ALL are welcome (including non members) and you can sign up virtually too through Zoom

Please call 02087805656 or book here
