New Beginnings for Vicky
September is here already, and autumn just around the corner, you can already feel a crispness in the air and the nights are drawing in.
Schools are starting back and everyone is getting back to work after holidays etc. It’s a new year so to speak.
For myself there have been some major changes over the last month or so. Sadly my father passed away on July 25th, the hottest day of the year, meaning huge shifts and adjustments for myself and my family. I can’t tell you the deep sadness in my heart and how his loss affects me every moment of my day. Seemingly insignificant things can trigger a memory that almost makes you stop in your tracks. But I know he only ever wanted the best for my sister and I, how proud he was of his girls and how he would want us to go on and live our best lives.
I can’t help but think that now is the perfect time for me to stop, look at where I’m at and really think about what I want to do over the next few months ( maybe even years). I’m setting myself small, attainable goals that are definitely within my reach for the short term, nothing too easy that no effort is required, but just enough to give me a boost when I reach them. These vary from the simplest of personal goals such as making sure I make time for my family, calling my Mum daily and visiting at least twice a week, to thinking about what I want to achieve at work and maybe even beyond that (I’m not getting any younger!) Long term plans are much harder for me to focus on and pin down, they are definitely a work in progress and constantly evolving.
It actually is helping me to think about and focus on the future, not only in terms of getting my life back on track after the shock and stress of the last few months but also in focusing my attention on where I want my life to go and what I hope and aim to achieve. Writing my goals down is a great motivator, you can look back and physically see your successes and maybe more importantly your failures. I’m a work in progress, continually adapting to my changing situation … but I guess that’s life, isn’t it?
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support and love … there is nothing anyone can say to make things better but knowing I have such a caring community at Spirohealth there does lift my spirits and helps me face each new day a little easier.