At the front desk we see a lot of babies and little ones coming in with their mums and dads for adjustments ,many of whom have been coming into the practice since before they were born!
Bria and I are so lucky that we get the chance to have play time and cuddles with a lot of these cuties, it’s a hard job sometimes ……
There are a million reasons why parents like to have their little ones checked over, from supporting their baby’s health and developing nervous system to helping with reflux, sleeping problems and so on. When babies are adjusted it always amazes me how calm and relaxed they are afterwards, often falling fast asleep. It’s such a joy to see them grow and improve, developing their own little characters and hearing how we have been able to help them.
As they grow, children are prey to the same joint, muscle and nervous system stressors as us adults. The ABC adjustments are exceptionally gentle, I often here fun and laughter as Stuart, Natalie and Bianca make a game out of the treatment. In fact, I have to admit that it’s these times when I’m at the front desk I wish I could lock the front door and join in the party! Children really have no fear of anything, and we always make sure that we take the treatment at their pace and don’t push if they’re not comfortable and don’t want to cooperate on any given day. I tell you, their approach to adjustments could teach some of us grown-ups a thing or two!
We all try to make the office friendly, welcoming and inclusive to everyone, especially our younger visitors. The toys and books are a fabulous distraction and for anyone who’s feeling particularly artistic we love having new pieces of art to pin up in our gallery.
After the adjustments it’s back upstairs to see either Bria or myself and get their reward …. the brilliant and precious ABC stickers! Apologies to parents who find these stuck to precious family heirlooms but the kids absolutely love them.
So, if you are thinking of bringing your babies or children into the clinic please do and have no worries yourself over it, you might even be able to pick up a pointer or two from them yourself.
With love Vicky