What keeps you healthier and happier?
This may surprise you but according to a 75 year study the things that keep you healthier and happier are:
- Good Relationships
- Social Connections
Robert Waldinger walks us through this, in this nearly 13 minute talk video- click here to watch
He talks abut how pain levels can be more manageable when surrounded by people who support and challenge you in a healthy way. He talks of what being lonely can do.
We all have 4 major parts:
An emotional side, physical side, spiritual and intellectual side. Its about cultivating these areas of our lives and expanding everyday. Living from one area means imbalance…this translates into symptoms a signs that are uncomfortable. We are this magnificent feedback system. Do you listen to your feedback system?
At Spirohealth we can certainly get your physical part working again. And help you see through a wider angle lens on what true health really is. Life coaching and nutritional advice available too.
Call us 02087805656 or book in here to find out more on how we can help you today.
