Happy Birthday Spirohealth

Gosh, I cant believe that it’s been 5 years since I joined this fabulous team. So much has happened during this time. With Spirohealth celebrating its 7th birthday this month and myself just having past my 5th (I’m the same age as our lovely burger experiment 🤣) October is THE month for anniversaries and celebrations.

Perhaps like many people I came to Spirohealth not knowing what to expect, completely unaware of how working with this amazing team, meeting fabulous people and learning about ABC, wellness and lifestyle would have such a huge impact on my life. But 5 years on I don’t regret a minute of it and am looking forward to us going from strength to strength.

Andy and I will have been married for 14 years in a couple of weeks time and as with all these milestones I can’t believe the time has gone so fast. I remember it like it was yesterday, truly one of the best days of my life, sharing the moment with family & friends who now we seldom see (& some of whom are sadly no longer with us) was truly priceless.

Since then there have been many occasions and events to note, some happy, some not so, but all most definitely worth remembering and even celebrating.

I was looking back through the pictures on my phone the other day, looking for a photo to share with you. I have to admit, I wasn’t feeling my usual upbeat self and was actually feeling pretty sorry for myself. However, going back through those moments really made me smile, pictures of Muffin & Pickle, silly family shots, flowers that I’ve loved, a brilliant photo of my Spiro family in our Christmas Onesies 🤣 So many super memories, what a tonic. It really made me think and realise how lucky I am and have been so far in my life, and how much I’m looking forward to what is yet to come. I can’t wait!

So, let’s celebrate these birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions. Let’s look back on those good times with thanks and gratitude and let’s look forward to things to come.

Happy Birthday Spirohealth and to all of you having birthdays this month!

Mrs Vicky Miller

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