Bianca shares why she does ABC with us

Well the truth is, is that there have been many moments that I have thought ABC is going to change my life in many ways.

The first was when I attended my first ABC seminar that I had my first ABC adjustment. They took before and after pictures. The most surprising thing was that I didn’t realize how horrendous my posture looked in the first place and I was also amazed at how much of a change there was in not only my posture but how well I could breathe and how much more energized I felt after. My thoughts were ‘If I could feel like this after just one adjustment, after already being adjusted for many years on a regular basis, imagine how amazing I would feel if I could consistently get adjusted with ABC’ I had never felt so good after an adjustment as I did in that moment and I wanted to be able to do that for others and get those results in my practice.

Personally ABC has impacted me in many ways. Physically it has helped get me out of re occurring pain. Unless I do something to screw myself up, which is easily fixed. Having physical health has meant that I can exercise 3-4 times a week with no pain and keep an active lifestyle. Not to mention being an ABC practitioner can be physically demanding so it is important for my body to be working to the best of its abilities all the time. Also, we all know how important exercises is not only for our physical well being but also our mental wellbeing.

I believe ABC has also helped me have more clarity of mind, my cognitive functions have significantly improved especially my memory, so much so that my friends and family have commented on its improvement. This has had a positive impact on every relationship in my life both personal and professionally. It’s easy to forget how much our mood, energy, physical ability or pain and our ability to think and to cope impacts the people we love and care about around us. This has been life changing for me. My coordination in day-to-day life has also improved, as I am much less clumsy.

On a professional level being an ABC practitioner has given me the tools to have a successful career in being able to help people, which is what I wanted to do from being a young girl. I am passionate about health and wellbeing and in helping people not only get out of pain but restore their health so that they can reach their full potential.

ABC has changed my life in many ways over the years and continues to do so and I feel privileged to be able to do the same for others at Spirohealth.

Bianca Downey of Spirohealth

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