Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider vinegar is made from, you guessed it, apples. These apples have undergone fermentation, and this produces enzymes and probiotics. It is an age-old remedy that has been around for many years. The health benefits are quite numerous, from weight loss to blood sugar regulation. I have seen health improvements of my family, friends and in my own life, through using a few tablespoons a day.
My Dad has suffered for years and years with Gout and it has plagued him terribly. Gout is a build-up of Uric acid crystals in the joints of the body and causes excruciating pain, mainly in the large toe and knee joints. So, if my Dad had been consuming lots of meat, legumes or alcohol, he would get a flare up. He had tried all of the medication on the face of the earth and also had tried many different “remedies”. Whilst in some cases these have helped, nothing really kept the gout at bay, eventually even a strict diet didn’t help. On his search for a cure for his ailment, one that had plagued him for 30+ years, he found an article about taking Apple cider vinegar and Manuka honey. The exact reason why this worked isn’t very well understood, it may have something to do with a decrease in blood pH, so less Uric acid is deposited.
It could also have to do with the gut biome improving from the probiotics and antimicrobial effect of Apple cider vinegar. Bottom line, Dad hasn’t had Gout for years now. No more medications (Allopurinol, Xanthine Oxadase and the like).
I struggled with poor digestion and low stomach acid for a long while, which left me with IBS like symptoms. Introducing some apple cider vinegar before my meals has balances me out beautifully. I don’t always take it, but if I’ve been stressed out (living in FIGHT or FLIGHT, which lowers stomach acid production) I bring it back into my diet for a while to help aid digestion. Its been a game changer for me.
Below is a list of proven benefits of Apple Cider vinegar on health:
1. Regulates blood sugar: Reduces blood sugar levels and improves glucose sensitivity
2. Enhances weight loss: may be due to increased satiety
3. Lowers Cholesterol: Lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and increases HDL Cholesterol( good
4. Relieves acid reflux symptoms: it is thought that lowered acid in the stomach actually causes the
valve to function less well, resulting in acid reflux. ACV increases the acidity level
5. Reduces Blood pressure: unsure on why, but I improved it in rats consuming ACV
I hope that this has helped opening your eyes to the wonder of ACV.
The best one out there is Braggs ACV with the mother, it has to have the enzymes and probiotics for its full benefit.
Please share any uses or health benefits you have found with using ACV with us by commenting below.
Stay happy and well folks